
Isn't funny how deranged McCarthyism used to affect mostly right-wingers, but now it is Clintonistas and "progressives" in general who see Russian spies everywhere and scream that Russians are uniquely evil monsters?

2016 don't you dare take Takei from us!

UPDATE: Replaced by Kanye!

The face of the New America!

Has anyone already said that Showgirls doesn't need defending? Because Showgirls doesn't really need defending, thank you very much.

They should have announced an infinity of movies like the Star Wars.

We're through the smart-looking glasses here people.

Well at least it is a good week for all his celebrity friends, and his future billionaires employers.

This is the most embarrassing choice of the Swedish Academy since Obama's Peace Prize.

'Member Beauty and the Beast?

Wait, there is a live action remake of Beauty and the Beast? Why?

How many of these are from marketing firms bots? It must be easy to boost these numbers, even the XXX sequel nobody asked for has a ton of views somehow.

Trevor Noah has found his footing, or at least he is vastly more interesting than the Clintonista Show of Samantha Bee. She spent most of the election attacking Sanders then Stein, and is now angry at anti-Trump protesters for some reason.

Shooter, the show that will be postponed almost every week of the Trump era out of respect for the victims of the latest mass shooting.

This show sounds great but of course the antidote to Trump is to get involved in activism and perhaps politics, not watch TV.

Sounds like the people who thought Dexter was someone to idolize, and by that I mean the writers of Dexter after season 5.

Univision is even cutting subheadlines now.

Both are still ridiculous though so you were right.

"Only tweets signed -DT are the official policy of the US government."

I didn't know Hillary's coherent plan of bombing country after country and perhaps starting World War 3 had any fan. Do you work for Lockheed Martin?