
There is a (good) chance he would have won, which is more than you can say about Hillary. Clintonistas who viciously denied she was a terrible candidate should now apologize.

He joined the party two years ago. Maybe he would have stayed if the DNC and their corporate overlords didn't screw him during the primaries (and picked an awful candidate who managed to lose to Trump).

Ford is already too powerful, if he doesn't die before the end of this season it is going to be a problem in a show with a very thin plot. At any moment Dolores or the MIB stories can be interrupted with all the robots freezing and Ford showing up to laugh at them.

Damn, they went down this road. Now it is going to be five years of "X is actually a robot!" Internet theorists going wild.

Again, no. Rand is associated with libertarianism, not neoliberalism.

You hear him say these things, it is hearsay.

Now the week is ruined.

And every time they fight, Christie will be demoted.

No patience for underperformers? What the fuck is he going to do when his Reaganomics fail, fire his Treasury Secretary every month?

Imagine the next time something bad happens. Crisis meeting in the Situation Room with Barron Trump, Melania, Pence, Palin and Lewandowski - while Donald is playing golf in Scotland (the only part that isn't terrifying).

You can't really blame neoliberalism on Ayn Rand, since ultimately it means letting oligarchs do whatever they want to do. Rich people didn't need Rand to think it was a great idea and work for this result.

"What's Russia? Where did Bonzo go?"

And all the torturers at the CIA. Bush was eventually forced to be ashamed of them, Obama pretended they didn't exist. But now being a torture aficionado will be a litmus test to lead the various spook agencies.

Let Ryan and Pence sell the country to the highest bidder, while Trump delivers a State of the Union address every morning on Fox and Friends.

What is impressive is how many of them have been serial losers during the last decade. A sorry collection of GOP rejects is about to lead the country because they were desperate enough to bet on the right racist horse when nobody sane would.

This what? Rowling is writing the story, with no book to adapt they can do whatever they want.

It is getting great reviews.

Shadow, what would Hillary have to do to disappoint you? Would you ever turn on your hero and role model? I wonder how the most vicious and deluded Clintonistas like you will react when Hillary betrays promise after promise. Then again, maybe you will keep watching Samantha Bee and never know. Bless you.

Wait, do Clintonistas consider that a good or a bad thing now? And do they still like documents "thief" Daniel Ellsberg? (the few who know who he is without Google)

Remember when "progressives" despised and mocked Joe McCarthy? Now the "progressive" candidate of a major party accuses her opponent of being a Russian agent, and her deranged supporters are making a list of anti-American traitors.