Perfect synchronicity between comment and handle. +1
Perfect synchronicity between comment and handle. +1
Right. I get that he has a viewpoint here and that’s great and all…
big idiot’s beef
Talk about a real bust in the Chappelle Show racial draft. First overall.
No choice of Cablinasian in the Jupiter police database?
Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?
Fuckin’ Quintana. The Colombian can roll.
How about:
Funny how the hot take writers/commenters always going on about how PEDs are fine and we should just dope the shit out of everyone don’t seem to be showing up in this particular Kinja.
Going to C&C isn’t the problem. Leaving C&C is the problem.
Dealing with the public always sucks. You can choose a different profession.
That’s only because it’s never been to a C&C yet.
cool story bro
The suckerpunch came from Dirrell’s uncle, Leon Lawson. According to Jim Gray (not 50ShadesOfJimGray), Maryland police are looking for him and once he’s found, he’ll be arrested.
Jeff Gordon as a color commentator is gold. He translates technical information to the broadcast in an easy to understand sort of way. He also recognized what probably happened to Logano’s right front which caused him to veer left.
If I saw that goddamned bear looking through my door I’d be making brownies too.
While admittedly crude by today’s standards, the Derek Jeter Herpes Tree is still my favorite Jeets moment
Perhaps you should Google “Merrick Garland”
You wouldn't think a person could be so wrong in a list of just three flavors, but here we are.