100% gimmick in Atlanta. It’s a joke really. I took it to a bar on a Saturday night and when I boarded I was the 4th person on it. By the second stop, I was the only person left for the duration of my trip.
100% gimmick in Atlanta. It’s a joke really. I took it to a bar on a Saturday night and when I boarded I was the 4th person on it. By the second stop, I was the only person left for the duration of my trip.
That pic used at the top of the article happened here in Atlanta... I remember that because it spread like... FIRE... through all the local BMW groups. RIP M3
zero exhausts notes.... this video is a failure.
but what was the wagon!!??!
how smug were those people he passed over the double lines* once they passed him and saw him in the trees?
or just be a foreign diplomat... NBD
what is this... a rally for shitty cars?
i disagree. don’t leave the plane. hope someone is filming. get beat up a little. sue. profit.
You are technically correct but with a lot of misguided info. If you come across anyone using the methods/materials you cite, that means you have picked the wrong wrap guy.
I never questioned the durability or the looks (mostly). http://jalopnik.com/1794480657
Not sure if you saw my reasoning but here’s the link http://jalopnik.com/1794480657
was probably typing it as you asked your question :-)
My argument is not with the looks, it is with the removal. Yes, a pro (which are few and far between) that applies it properly will result in a good looking vehicle, though as someone mentioned they always seem to look better in pics than in person.
whatever the cost, it’s too much by exactly that number.
If you’ve ever heard an Abarth... You’d know that 4 cylinders can be bad mofos!
preach brother
What this video is telling me is that Uber should provide car mounted cameras for it’s drivers.... It’s the least the could do based on their history and their compensation to “private contractors”
No doubt a great build... but there’s no way this was cheaper than just buying a gt2. No f-in way.
can’t tell if you’re serious....