Sure. The guy in blue didn’t want to fight and after a few seconds, the guy in the salmon shirt was glad of it.
Red shook hands after he realized he was gonna die. That punch blue landed was vicious. His hat went ten yards.
Orange was clearly overmatched, where blue clearly knew what he was doing. Orange threw a bunch of punches early, was constantly off balance, and his guard was down the whole time. Blue just waited for the time to throw the cross. And when he nailed it, orange knew he was in serious trouble and it was time to…
Before the fight, the golfers disagreed over who was being “a little caddie.”
Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:
Cosplayer June Rivas was told by her boss that her work attire was “unprofessional”. Good thing she had a fix for…
You misconstrue my comment. Makes no difference to me if people love the game and play it all day long. What I don’t care for is having it tied to every. friggin’. thing.
You misconstrue my comment. Makes no difference to me if people love the game and play it all day long. What I don’t…
Not at all. Why just last night I bought some Apothic wine that was on sale.
Not at all. Why just last night I bought some Apothic wine that was on sale.
Does everything have to be associated with Pokemon Go? Good grief. I’m looking forward to when this fad drops dead. #getoffmylawn
Does everything have to be associated with Pokemon Go? Good grief. I’m looking forward to when this fad drops dead.…
You know, I regret not having a baby, just so I could name her Qaetlnne (with a semicolon or two to bugger up any databases in which her identity is stored).
They’re going to move them outside the environment.
I accomplished about the same thing by plugging this Inateck bluetooth transmitter/receiver into the aux port of a Fender bass amp:
I accomplished about the same thing by plugging this Inateck bluetooth transmitter/receiver into the aux port of a…
I would have read your rant but I cannot stand your overuse of curse words in your diatribe. Learn some new appropriate adjectives and try to speak like a grown-up.
Well, I guess we shall see. Lets loop back around to this in 15 years.
So you want everyone to chip in for an expensive vanity project that does nothing new? You know we have planes which are cheap and fast, right?