
well that’s cool and all but I’d rather have a real NES.

Statistics again. Of course iffn you drive more you experience more accidents, but people that don’t use automobiles are still involved in many automobile accidents. The TampaBay area has (usually) the highest national rates of bicycle & motorcycle death related to automobile accidents. Pedestrian deaths here are very

Randomly generated words and positions, with interns paid $12/hour to make up hints.

Randomly generated words? Not a problem. Just need access to some large database of words, and an program to mesh them all together. Words AND hints? Ok, that might be a little tougher, but still far from impossible. You just need more information in the database. Like 3-4 definitions of the same word. So if you have

I bet Watson could pull off a fairly decent auto-generated crossword. It’s not that much different in theory than Jeopardy.

I think you just plagiarized your own comment :/

I think it is pooch...but we won't know until we get the words for the other direction.

Please tell me you at least had a smirk on your face typing out that headline?

That explosion really trashed that truck.

Has she been reached for comment?

As far as electronics go, there are quite a few on modern road bikes in the pro peloton now. Most teams are using electric shifting from Shimano, SRAM, and Campy, there are electronic GPS trackers put on all bikes by the race organizers, and there are GPS/Power Meters/Other computers on all bikes as well. So it’s not

The weirdest part is how people have tried to claim sneaking a motor into a bike is a form of “doping” and not just “cheating.”

“No, it was my FRIEND’S!!” That didn’t work when mom found your cigarettes when you were 14, and it doesn’t work in professional sporting events.

Is “doping” now just cheating?

There’s some paranoid people on here. You guys are silly, tens of thousands of pressure cookers are sold every year. They’re ubiquitous at garage sales, thrift stores, and any kitchen supply store where you can pay cash. The FBI is certainly not tracking you for buying one.

There’s some paranoid people on here. You guys are silly, tens of thousands of pressure cookers are sold every year.

There never was, and will never be a greater moment of television than this.

Am I the only one who kinda loves the lack of tutorials on this game? I mean, you don’t leave the vault knowing how to re-build civilization - you need to figure it out on your own. So that’s what the game lets you do.

-Most 0f the SPECIAL bobbleheads can be found fairly easily and away from plot inmportant areas. The