
San Antonio: VIA Bus(local bus company name) from Alamodome Christmas 2005(?) New Orleans Saints v Detroit(?). When Saints were temporary the San Antonio Saints because Tom Benson is a resident. You park off site and VIA takes you to the Dome.

Full bus after game, girl sitting on top of guy at almost back of bus.

I was in Atlanta on business and took MARTA instead of renting a car. I had the worst head cold of my life and could not smell anything. I was coughing up a storm. About 5 minutes in to my ride I noticed people were staring at me strange, almost with fear. This went on for about two stops until a nice Asian lady came

But the stock tune is sooo horrible! Just get a Cobb accessport and flash it. Night and Day difference.

Let this be a reminder to people, check your tire pressures. This is what just 1.5 PSI difference between them will do!

This GIF never gets old.

Man, when they find out that their password’s been plastered all over the internet, that hand is gonna be pissed.

The best way for me to deal with OCD is exercise as well. So I bike and run a lot. I dunno if that’s going to help with agoraphobia all that much, though. That’s a level of anxiety I can’t imagine.

I think the issue here is actually acceptance. You don’t have to live a certain way, I don’t like going to clubs, for example. But anxiety is something that can be overcome. It is overcome all the time and there are well researched psychotherapies that work. If you do not want to be a shut in and your anxiety is

Or just “Agoriphoic gamer who didn’t leave his house for a year”.... No need to go for the hyperbole. The point here is that the title is intentionally a clickbait. Many gamers have become twitchy whenever there is an article of ‘gamers doing anti-social stuff’, since these kind of titles perpetuate a very negative

Yet he had a stay at home job that he quit.

wait, what? I’m not calling the guy a liar, I’m saying that I found the title a little misleading. The article itself says that he doesn’t leave the house due to his agrophobia, he uses gaming as a way to cope with his condition.

It’s almost as if his point was the headline was misleading abuot his reasons for not leaving the house.

The title is %100 accurate. It is a story about a gamer who did not leave his apartment for a year. The what, when, why, where, how is supposed to be in the article. Let me ask you if this title sounds better from a journalistic standpoint: Agoriphobic Man Who Is Primarily A Video Game Streamer In His Everyday Life

Replace “gamer” with other descriptors - “Brit,” “Yank,” etc. - and the headline doesn’t imply anything other than the fact that an individual didn’t leave their house. And then you’d be compelled to read the article to find out why.

You know, uh, that it’s somewhat reasonable to expect the title to reflect the article, right?

It’s almost as if you’re against reading the title and being able to jump straight to the comments, you monster.

Yup. I’ve got OCD and at times it can be almost paralyzing the anxiety it can cause. I also for a while medicated with alcohol. Works short term but made things much worse long term. There are a lot of people with anxiety disorders of varying degrees and presentations.

Well, the headline seems to imply that him being a “gamer” had something to do with it, but then again this is UK Kotaku for ya.

Whilst the phobia he has may be uncommon, the inability to switch off and the excessive anxiety are much more common than people believe.