Yeah, no way on Earth, heaven or hell it can do that.
Yeah, no way on Earth, heaven or hell it can do that.
Here's a video of a boat with a significantly slower hull doing 176 with those motors:
Thanks for calling me an asshole. You know you can be an automobile enthusiast and be for autonomous cars.
Who needs all these fancy new doodads. You don't know what livin' is 'til you drive a team of horse like I used to. All these ridiculous wires you stick in your ears to hear a bunch of caterwauling from some half-dressed floozie. We didn't need all this new-fangled shit to have fun in my day. We'd just walk out into…
I hate to be a buzzkill, but I just did the math. It takes about 10 kW of power to move a motorcycle and rider at a constant freeway speed on flat terrain. With the 20 kWh battery, this comes out to about 140-150 miles range (as they claim), but that's probably not how you're going to use this thing. Taking it into…
So it's a rocket/jet with wheels. Not seeing why this is supposed to be impressive? Jets and certainly rockets can easily exceed these speeds. The drag from keeping it pinned to the ground makes it a big harder but strap a big rocket to anything this small and it's going super sonic.
You do know that those things are flown in very tightly controlled airspaces? Comparing this thing flying without a single structure in sight to a guy whizzing down city streets is ridiculous. The only common element between the two is that they are both flying. Your comparison is illogical and irrelevant.
Dear Red Bull,
Go anywhere, do anything!
I have absolutely no purpose to own one, yet I really, really want one. Is that a sign that I have "a problem" ?
But that Rokon weighs something like 200lbs. You can't carry it around as easily as the one in the video.
You know, I never really thought I needed a motorcycle until I saw this. Now I'm not really sure what kind of…
9/11 was a disaster. Having to be patient while hard working people keep us safe from those that hate us so we can enjoy a luxury recreational activity is not.
Too late, my phone already does that.
Let's see... I bought 3 of those flashlights, 2 years of PS+ and GTAV.
Let's see... I bought 3 of those flashlights, 2 years of PS+ and GTAV.