Disagree with this on a fundamental level. One should not take on a To Do list, but rather a Task Priority list. There will never be a deficit of "things to do"; life is ever-changing, and the list of To Do tasks comes in endless supply, with endless variations, and are in a state of constant change.
It's internet, we type fast, and who have the courage to read proof everthing...
Many people have more than one boss.
Mort Walker (of Beetle Bailey) once wrote about the censor at United Features (King Features? Can't remember), whose job was to find any questionable items in comic strips and cut them out with a razor blade. Cartoonists called him "the pecker checker." He had a particular fear of belly buttons on women in bikinis,…
See? Works like a charm.
What on earth do you mean by "digital media"? Your stack of VHS tapes aren't digital. Neither are all those cassette tapes in your car... Magnets don't bother the holes that are burned into a layer of foil by a laser on your CDs and DVDs much at all... Perhaps you still have a Sony Minidisk player? Perhaps you attend…