Cycling can be a very individual and secluded sport, even though you’re out in the public, and almost no human interaction is needed. But the amount that I don’t know about agoraphobia could fill a swimming pool.
Cycling can be a very individual and secluded sport, even though you’re out in the public, and almost no human interaction is needed. But the amount that I don’t know about agoraphobia could fill a swimming pool.
I also found that I didn’t need to self medicate (via alcohol) while gaming. It’s probably the release of endorphins and adrenaline that gaming provides. I have since become an avid cyclist, and now my urges to game have dropped way off, and I’m fit as a fiddle. Maybe this alabaster dude should exercise instead?
Goonies never say “die”!
I thought you had to cleanly catch a wiffle ball (without bobbling it, or trapping it) for it to count as an out? At least that’s how we played it. Looks like these guys are playing by some pussified house rules. And everyone probably gets a trophy. Pffft.
Shower head? Is that anything like road head?
Shower head? Is that anything like road head?
In that video, the track was hidden beneath the skating surface. Seriously. Are you thick headed or just trolling?
Back in the day, people walking around with cell phones were considered to look real dumb. What’s so dumb about riding a mini Segway?
Maybe he had a disability and couldn’t walk long distances without pain and suffering? Do you always roll your eyes at people in electric wheelchairs? Try to keep an open mind.
Mag-Lev has existed for decades. What Lexus did was just apply it to a skateboard, that has to be above a special track. Boring.
“sport: an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.”
I pretty much dislike EVERY Sandler movie. Who’s with me on this?
“But I’m Asian” C’mon, I’m sure the Japanese can recognize a non-Japanese Asian. Not all Asian ethnicities look alike.
You’re wrong. And I hope some day, someone steals something from you instead of being honest and paying for it. Maybe then you’ll see the error of your mindset.
I can’t afford to join a boxing gym, maybe I’ll just punch the living shit out of your face. I promise it won’t cost you a penny.
No, theft doesn’t apply to ANY condition, including essentials. Go out and work for your essentials like everyone else, you twat. Maybe I’ll have the homeless guys I see, go to your house and steal YOUR essentials.
“Poor people should be allowed to enjoy games, music, and movies as well, as anyone else. No one should be denied something because they can’t afford it.”
How do you “hover” on a tablet or phone (aka touchscreen)?
How do you hover over a movie title on a tablet or phone? Such BS.
I’m still not sure what’s going on...