
Seems weird that Sony is shuffling so much top level talent before launching a new console. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

I think the biggest worry is that they turn up to PS5 launch with all the hubrus of PS3 launch era. I don’t know if that is the case, but it would be a pity. Right now if

Haven’t made anything commercial. I've worked as a programmer on non - gaming software and made a bunch of smaller projects. Been applying around to games companies lately since I got laid off from my last job and graduated from my game dev program. 

Sweet! Hoping we hear something soon about if a new PSVR is launching with the system. Only four more generations until our eyeball PS9's 

i wonder: has anyone else found this game to be a chore? i feel like it lost its magic really early on. struggling to circle back and finish it. 

It also tried to bill itself as a genre-killer while ignoring the competitors in the genre(!!!). Of all the things about the development that boggle my mind, deliberately ignoring the successes and failures of Destiny is high on the list. 

There are just a few things I’d want to see in the Library as useful points of information instead of a look ovehaul:

I grew up in Florida. My family is from South Florida. I spend quite a bit of time in Miami. My girlfriend is from Miami. She is also Cuban. I’ve never heard it used once....ever. Besides on gizmodo group sites and like..Vox/Polygon. I understand everyone has different experiences...but this sure seems like something


Once again, I’d like to thank Overwatch for making lootboxes so popular that they become regulated and they die faster. May lootboxes have a swift death.

I wonder how much they paid him to do it

But whatever you do, don’t put the blame on youuuuu...

+1 Girl, You Know It’s

The fact this Doesnt have more stars shows that we are not in the Kotaku target demographic.

I both love you for remembering this, and feel very, very old knowing that I was around for and old enough to watch this shit go down in real time.

I’m always surprised people feel this way. I grew up on Nintendo D-Pads so I’m certainly used to them, and I still think that the four-button layout of the Switch is superior. I accidentally input the wrong direction quite frequently with a true D-Pad, pushing on the “right” direction but tilting it “up” on accident.

Hey, no it would take considerably longer then a half hour. Also, Nintendo told me when this happened in Maker 1 that pile of poo was just fine, and they even let me reupload all those levels, where they still stand today. 

I already went over this. If if you want to read my opinions, read my conversations with Barbarian librarian and straw hat. If you want me to offer you a personal apology for hurting your poor little feelings, I am more than happy to do so. But as far as I’m concerned, I have said all I need to say.

I hashed this out already with librarian Barbarian and straw hat. There are definitely some things that I will never really like about streaming, but I should not have called it lazy.