Wait till they actually launch it! For the Vita.
Wait till they actually launch it! For the Vita.
I feel bad about this game because I bought it at launch and played it and like you, I found a way to have fun with it in spite of its shortcomings. The problem is I moved on and even though it has way more cool stuff now, I have zero desire to try it again because there’s just too many other games to play. The same…
Who eats Thanksgiving dinner at 5? It’s a holiday, you’re supposed to eat at 2pm.
Susano is a fight worth remembering for sure.
This is FFVI. AKA the best Final Fantasy.
The YouTuber presenting Need for Speed was a total disaster.
This is my thought when any game is announced now, particularly quirky indie titles. The Switch has ruined us! Or has it saved us?! Time will tell...
I know. It’s like he wanted to confirm all our stereotypes about video game executives in one go.
A video game executive that doesn’t truly understand gamers?
I hadn’t played since the SNES days really, was really big into RPGs as a kid. My brother works as a video game designer in SF now and he encouraged me to try. FFXIV online was my big pull to buying a system.
It’s the same plastic screen that can survive a 1000 foot drop without completely shattering the screen like most phones with glass. Go ahead give the video a look. Personally I would rather my switch and it’s screen survive a fall with the minor convenience of having a screen protector than sending in my phone that…
Oh you’ll still be that weird guy gushing about teenage girls, now there will just be other guys gushing along side you and you guys will be one weird pack.
My opinion ffxi had better sorry but xiv had better game play
Kotaku’s review got me irrationally mad and embarrassed to be honest with you. It just doesn’t seem like she played the game correctly.
What the fuck does an astronaut have to do with nintendo!
Edible is a stretch
Same. My two boys are wonderful. Don’t do it.
Is mugging people an option on the table? Cause, I have this ski mask and everything....