Every time I see a slideshow article I think peter thiel could have tried a little harder.
Every time I see a slideshow article I think peter thiel could have tried a little harder.
i strongly suspect that the money they spent hoarding gas came from their scratch-off budgets, so they aren’t likely to notice the loss.
I’m surprised he wasn’t cackling with glee. His poor colleague looked like he was thinking, “We’re going to get out of this, right?”.
When asked what he thought of actor Chuck Norris, Prinsloo responded, "never heard of 'er."
I’m thinking transit bus, or subway.
Excuse me, but WTF is the problem? They’re married. Jesus didn’t say shit about having an OnlyFans! Being Christian must be hard.
He should be in jail sleeping with his back to the wall right now.
This is impressive. I’m not the world’s biggest Musk fan, but very few C-suite executives have anywhere that level of knowledge about their product. Credit where credit is due, good for him.
It is the year 2020, and this is one of the dumbest comments I’ve read on the internet this year. That is a high bar to clear, and you my friend, have done it.
It was so dumb I recovered my password to make this comment.
Your screenname only adds to the hilarity.
Pfft... a stunt plane? That’s easy. Try landing a jet liner on a busy 10 lane highway in the middle of downtown San Andreas. I did that last week.
is Elliot related to Ellen Page ?
“where the buildings lining the park’s entry avenue have smaller features on the second floors than on the first”
America should be doing a lot more of that.
Where’s the link to the GoFundMe page to buy more foreign shit for this guy to analyze? Seriously, that dude is entertaining as hell just due to his sheer joy at this thing.
Logs may not match usage... but apparently it was trustworthy enough for some rather “expensive” cargo.
Honk honk! With any luck, I can go a whole six seconds before some NOSCOPE asshole snipes me from the turret.
“It’s like going into warp speed in Star Wars,” Webb says.
I was 5 in 1989 so I have more buying power now.