
"sporadic maintenance" is the best PR speak ever.

My favorite part is that both party's criticisms are that the game is too gay.

I'm all for tighter interfaces and more info being given in the game, rather than in the interface. However, it seems it's easy for developers to get over-zealous in paring things down.

Wow, that cracked-up Japanese flag logo is disheartening :'-(

Chess is so complex a game, it's leaving a huge potential audience behind! They should introduce a casual version of the game: A board consisting of two spaces. You have one pawn. Move it to the other space to promote it to a queen and win!

Rift, Shogun 2, and maybe some Dragon Age 2. Although, I reserve the right to become completely absorbed in any of those and have my weekend devoured.

I hated hipsters before it was cool to hate them.

Lego Halo next, please!

My main online gaming is with my brother. We now live in different states, so without online multiplayer, we wouldn't be able to hang out together at all.

My main online gaming is with my brother. We now live in different states, so without online multiplayer, we wouldn't be able to hang out together at all.

User reviews are in no way necessarily an objective or dispassionate review.

@Maritan: How can you think about Total War when there's a new TOP SPIN!!!!!1

Ex U.S. Presidents should make up every game's end boss from now on.

There's far too much pathos present to be otherwise.

Child labor wins again!

I've tried to play Wind Waker twice now, and wasn't able to stay interested. Maybe I'll try again.

I am all about stuffing computers into me with one reservation: upgrades will SUCK.

I imagine it charges from the ambient light constantly entering your eye.

What game was he playing, because it must have been awesome. Seriously, though, there's no one to blame for his death but himself.

Maybe Ubi could just rename the game "Call of OpFor".