
In fairness, I demand that they give Wolfenstein the same treatment. Oh wait, Nintendo beat me to it.

"(Roman mythological gods are acceptable)"

I hated the Xbox's "S" controller, since I'd grown used to the position of the black and white buttons. Trying to use the new one felt cramped and confusing. The heft of the original controller actually felt good in my adult sized man-hands.

Only CoD. Plus everything Blizzard makes.

If I got to the end boss of a recent game and found Andross, I'd probably never bother to finish.

So how would the folks notice the signs if they're too busy with their phones?

@grysl: It seems to me that folks in their late teens and early twenties fit the target audience of this quite well. They mostly have moms that they often consider uncool. Heck, I'm almost thirty, and I could see what they were going for.

Uncool parents upset over being portrayed as uncool.

Who put those in for him, Saw? I think people will notice the scar as much as the balls, going forward.

@GrandmasterYoda: The real question is: How can HE sleep like that. Seriously, where do you put your arm so you don't have pressure on that crap.

@mdo7: That really is a disturbing read. Considering the number of South Koreans abducted by North Korea since the war is in the hundreds, I'm surprised there isn't a shooting war currently.

That change strikes me as odd. Did they not have Russia invade the US in Black Ops? Did they not have the US invade Japan in World at War? I guess they don't want it to seem provocative toward North Korea.

People who make physical goods must be so jealous that they can't pull off this kind of trick.

"they're trying to make [watching TV] into an active thing where you pick want you want to watch."

@DukeOfPwn: Not only did they totally lift "No Mercy" from L4D, but they highlight it in red?

@Chrysolite: I always suspected that Japanese voice work in anime sometimes sounded better than English dubs just because I wouldn't know if it sounded dumb or not.

So much for my plans for a facebook/mobile crossover game called "Doodleville."

@MaiAriSquee: I can remember being stuck so bad I thought I'd put games in a bad state like that...such a helpless feeling. Of course, online walkthroughs have pretty much eliminated that feeling, replacing it with shame and guilt.