
There's a blimp-city that can get you a 1000m base jump...but it's almost too easy that way.

I wonder what games "experienced store staff" were helping people find thousands of years ago. I bet "build the pyramids" was awesome.

Not to mention the ACOG scopes, which weren't in use before this past decade.

I picked one up last weekend, impressed my wife (she'll play Rock Band and a little Fable, but that's it) with the menu interfaces (very cool, but why can't I control the whole dashboard that way?), then we both agreed that we likely wouldn't spend any time on the games, so I returned it this weekend and bought Black

@Tribal-Bob: And that shelf is just the Sims and old Diablo war chests....

How long before the robots decide it's more ethical to subjugate the imperfect humans for our own good?

I object on the grounds that this is extremely damaging to my case!

Why not just release a utility program to repair the save games, or a game patch (can they patch wii games?) that scans your saves and fixes them automatically?

The fact that many smartphones have 1GHz CPU's make me not nearly as whelmed as I could be.

Why would I stock GameStop, Best Buy, or anybody else for a pittance when I could sell it myself here or here.

@Purplemage: All you have to do to steal from a big box retailer is keep walking out the door like nothing's wrong.

More like PSPGroaners, amirite?

Why do game publishers and developers think they still have a stake in a used copy of a game? They've already sold that one. By the same logic, everyone who doesn't buy their game at all is ripping them off. By the same logic anyone who buys any property used is robbing the original manufacturer. For bonus fun,

@Harfold: I felt the one thing that AC 1 did better than 2 was character development.

@Sidious Strange: I absolutely agree RE: Too Human. It was pretty good for what it was, but it wasn't what was hyped.

Mirror's Edge, easily.

"As I pedal home from work, though, I find it engaging and humorous. Would motorists similarly decorate their lanes? I suspect not - this good-natured vandalism is a sign that bikers take pride in their bike lanes and the biking community we've created."

@Benedinho: That range does sound a bit dubious, but it's backed up by the esrb. See #'s 3 and 4.