
British Airways managed to operate the “too expensive” Concorde at a profit every single year it was in operation almost entirely because of the JFK-Heathrow route. The Concorde was horrible, just completely useless, as a subsonic aircraft, which is what the U.S. forced it to be at all times over land. The government

Here in the US the jerkiness can be accurately measured by how high the truck is lifted.

My dad had one when I was but a child. Silver 1.6 Carbed, many kilometers, eventually gifted it to my canadian uncle while he was staying in germany. Got crushed afterwards. Replaced it with a lemon of a Volkswagen Multivan.

You could always go full group B bonkers!

Just a reminder that Kobe Bryant probably raped a woman.

I borrowed one in 2018, in Wales. A clattery old NA diesel with 200k-ish miles and poorly tuned, proven by clouds of soot at a cold start. But man did I love driving that car in Wales. Very comfortable, very fun in a slow car fast way and more capable than the narrow tires would make you believe. I was told by people

I saw something similar in Norway a few years ago, but with a somewhat less exciting car.

Should have left it up. Would have garnered more attention for the dealer. Kind of like this post!

As an old AND a person who has worked with electronics and sensors for 30 years, I would rather DRIVE MY FUCKING CAR and not rely on buggy equipment and software to do it for me

Strong disagree.

I don’t agree with Clarkson hating on Greta, but I think his message is valid. Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die and when we are going to die, instead of focusing on how to fix these issues?

The way I understand it, the whole “Boomers ruined the economy” thing comes from a retrospective view on the Cold War mentality, the ‘70s crises, the ‘70s “white flight” to the suburbs, and the ‘80s Reagonomics trend. It was mostly people who were already in their thirties and forties in the 1980s who not only

Im 43. I have a Lotus Evora NA as my annual summer fling and a Lexus GX for everything else. I used to be really into cars and debate them on this site some time ago and so on, and like many I got tired of keeping up. The way is see it, nothing is sacred or protected anymore. If Aston has an SUV, and Ferrari is

I wonder if it’s Transits or Connects? And I’d assume a bunch of these are stolen for the tools inside,not the actual van itself. The rest of the list pretty much lines up with what you’d want if you were in the business of selling parts.

1. BMW creates angel-eyes

Those truck pull stunts are always bullshit. The heaviest truck almost always wins. It’s a traction game. No one is surprised an EV truck is heavier than an F-150 and no one is surprised an AWD truck beat out another truck in 2WD mode.

You know, even though this Mach-E coupe is being targeted at secretaries now, I bet in just a few years it will have much more power and evolve into the definition of a muscle car!

It’s a mars rover made available to the public. I think it’s beautiful.

My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a