
i’m confused. I see USPS running in RAM Promaster vans, why dont they just keep using those? Are the USPS Promaster vans just a temp solution until they find a suitable replacement vehicle for the Grunman?

the good old days

yesss away with the screeen! especially the odometer screens that MB is using in some of its newer models... absolutely awful

some cars have this now - with the light switch set to automatic sensing, when wiper blades are turned on the lights will come on.

This exactly. EU/CANADA/USA should use one standard. This will safe tons for the OEM’s & Tier 1's on development costs. It makes absolutely no sense to have slightly different standards. Whilst we are at it, lets get rid of the 25 year import ban :) 

swap the suspension to make it lower and you have a focus

What a joke. Volvo has been dead to me since Geely acquired them. 180 is really not such an extreme speed - a Polo is capable of doing this, and I see this daily.

the way adaptive cruise control works on a manual for example, is that even when i shift up or down, the car will continue driving on cruise control. It wil just cut the throttle when I press the clutch. When speed limits increase, the adaptive cruise control will automatically adjust the speed i’m cruising at.. I can

i think we have found the ultimate sleeper car

Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane trying to make a quick buck

the interior dashboard gives you the impression that you are sitting in a bath tub - this is not a good thing for a car

maaake it stooop

Spotted a few days ago in Dallas, TX !! 

this exactly. Nothing like downshifting a gear before a sharp curve. EV’s are just to get from a to b - nothing more. 

I miss SAAB, we need them back!!! I grew up in the back seat of a 900 Turbo - fond memories of my dad blasting on the autobahn with that thing.. he regrets selling the car till this day.

I feel like this counts for a lot of OEM’s. Many people working for them just don’t give a shit about cars.

comparing this to BMW’s EV line-up, this looks so much better! Although please get rid of those rearview mirror camera’s... 

Might aswell keep the traditional mirrors - I dont need another screen in my car, not to mention the replacement cost for this is probably ridiculous.

I made a Kinja account just to comment here. I hate this concept.