
Yeah, guts THE WHOLE POINT. Because the only thing in the article are desk photos, and the only thing you have to learn from are the pretty pictures, not the words or anything.

Wow. Talk about looking for reasons to be offended just so you can pretend to have something to be offended about. Let me guess, you're a redditor.


If you don't get it, then either you didn't read the article, or you're an idiot. Or both, most likely.

I sense much work goofing-off that will come from this extension. :D

Absolutely and totally agreed.

Not bad, this is a good one!

I can buy 3 heads from my grocery store in a bunch for $3, so yeah. Wrong.

You should really read articles before commenting on them. Otherwise you look like an idiot.

Penn and Teller are entertainers, not scientists.

Look around at the other comments, then ask that again. Oh, and say ew again too, for good measure.

It must suck not being able to read. Or heaven forbid, if you can actually read, being an idiot.

Aren't you daddy's little douchebag?

From the article: "The Hive Five is based on reader nominations. As with most Hive Five posts, if your favorite was left out, it's not because we hate it—it's because it didn't get the nominations required in the call for contenders post to make the top five. We understand it's a bit of a popularity contest, but if

Absolutely agreed. You don't do anyone any favors - especially yourself - by answering the phone in the grocery store or while you're driving just because someone's calling you and you applied for a job recently. Wait and call them back when you're ready to make a good impression.

Yes, yes, yes. This.