@avclub-ed462cc33cd0c3d6922c7640b1297a7d:disqus …a robot?
@avclub-ed462cc33cd0c3d6922c7640b1297a7d:disqus …a robot?
@avclub-638c1a4f003b46aad4aa5cf3f424d215:disqus : The guy didn't happen to be wearing a bumblebee suit did he?
@avclub-638c1a4f003b46aad4aa5cf3f424d215:disqus : The guy didn't happen to be wearing a bumblebee suit did he?
Boogie Nights is probably the best example I can come up with of coke done realistically in movies.
Boogie Nights is probably the best example I can come up with of coke done realistically in movies.
Sounds very much like Graham Lineham doing that "fuckin' 'ell!" too
Sounds very much like Graham Lineham doing that "fuckin' 'ell!" too
Macklin, you son of a bitch!
So you were all sat around trying to think of shows that taught you some words in another language and not one of you pop culture mavens thought of anything from The Sopranos?
One of us here isn't really understanding the whole MPDG concept. As far as I csee it, her character is basically the exact opposite of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. The only way she could have been less of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl is if it turned out she'd had a dick.
Sweet Jesus - it's James Cromwell!
I was expecting this to be a report of Danny DeVito declining to chance to reprise his role in a sequel to Twins, and Stallone gamely stepping in because, well, what else has he got?
"One of my dear friends is Dennis Kucinich so I can never really piss on Congress as much as I want to, because he’s in Congress. But, for the rest of them—holy mackerel, what a bunch of clowns."
'I won’t spoil the punchline, but suffice it to say that sometimes you write something immortal, and sometimes you end up with “gozoranplat.”'
Well to be fair, even Guy Fawkes himself didn't manage to blow up parliament and it didn't stop him larking about with that face on.
What about that one movie where Bon Jovi captured the Enigma code? That one went down well in the UK I can tell you.
They must have either been fucking try-hard morons or people pretending to be British.
I completely agree. I myself found it to be messy, undisciplined and exhausting when I first saw it.
When I was introducing my girlfriend at the time to The Sopranos, she picked out immediately that Imperioli was an amazing actor: "You can see everything the character's thinking in his eyes". It was a really astute observation I'd never thought about before, but it made me realise what a perfect way to judge great…