Sam Handwich

I hear this a lot but I have to wonder if it’s a regional issue. I live in South Florida and a fairly significant portion of our US history was devoted to the slave trade, emancipation, the civil war, and how poorly the indigenous peoples of North America were treated. I had a few issues with the way the “states

There are a lot of stylistic changes that appear less elegant by comparison. Much larger, sometimes thicker fonts (WTH happened to the bar at the top of my phone?). Weird grey shades. Much more of a rounded bubble look on a lot of things as well. Also, the lock screen sometimes leads me to play controls that look

That’s somewhat of a shame. The HTC and Oculus in terms of total cost are prohibitive to low entry cost buyers, so I was hoping that something like this could spark interest. I don’t find it disappointing in terms of graphics since I think a lot can be tweaked to compensate and I’m not looking for a stunning graphics

That sounds about right. As long as you have the moisture, it will absorb the water and cook during the normal baking process. Boiling makes it redundant.

I’ve been told that as a make-ahead tip, you can use regular and refrigerate overnight. If your sauce is more watery or you tend to use a lot of it, you can use the regular stuff, refrigerate, and the noodles will soften up enough to be cooked while baking in the oven while soaking up the extra moisture. I’m not sure

You seem like a nice guy.

I’m curious why you feel the need to be so defensive of Apple as if not recommending the latest OS version is tantamount to a personal insult. Please find something more worthy of your outrage.

Weird. It’s like you didn’t read the article. Or the headline.

1. Install MacOSX, Windows, or Ubuntu instead.
2. Dropbox should work now along with a lot of other things that are broken in macOS.

Meth is a hell of a drug.

Using a heavy lead bowl helps too.

(For clarification: They’re discontinued everywhere, at least where i live.)

These were my favorite fries. I think they shit the bed though by marketing them as healthier.

Instead of teaching people to use 2-Step verification, we should be teaching people not to hack.

What were you afraid that they were sneaking into your food?

I saw “Bro Hacks” in the image at first.

I find the “invisible jerk off” is an effective gesture to show apathy or mocking. Plus, it’s good for chuckles with those in the conference room when an unwitting participant has called in on the speakerphone.

Yeah, I’m disagreeing with the premise. The focus should be on whether or not their reasoning or evidence make sense. People make up their own caricature of who you are anyway if they are on the complete opposite side of the aisle.

Measuring tape.

If I’m going to pay for an app to measure something, it better lie to me to make me feel better.