Drinky the Drunk Guy

I moooostly loved the show... but... Jimmi Simpson and Ed Harris, as far as I’m concerned, cannot possibly ever be the same person...

This article reminded me of the first time I’d heard the factoid that the average hotel room channel changer is basically covered in fecal material… I immediately envisioned thousands of traveling weirdos shoving that remote up their asses and “impressing” their cohorts by changing channels with their rectal muscles…

I was fairly convinced it was actually Jackie Earl Haley who was terrorizing that drumset, so had to pop into IMDB to learn, that yes, indeed, he “plays the drums in real-life, so he was thrilled when the producers mentioned that his character, The Terror, would have the same hobby.” Cool!

I can’t wait to use “Shut your nonsense hole” IRL... tho I’ll likely drop the “you blue yeti” part, unless it were applicable somehow...

Dr. Karamazov *IS* the Littlest Cock Puncher!

Now playing

Here’s a link to a cool cover they’ve done... audio is still good, but the video has been removed... from some stupid website called The AV Club...

But, but, in that one scene in that Nam movie, those guys, like, *were* running through the jungle...

Whenever this song arises, I’ll never not chuckle, remembering The Sarah Silverman Program’s shocking reveal that “Two Princes” is the *only* song on notorious metalhead Brian Posehn’s iPod!!

(way too late to matter but typing it anyway) Well, her name is Theresa, so “Tree” for “short”...

I just caught this over the weekend and actually quite enjoyed it, so wanted to retroactively peruse the AV review... (but somehow forgot that it’s utterly useless to use this site’s own “Search” feature, even after a

Yes! I was in astonished JOY throughout my viewing, SOOOOO bad, yet so fun! The golf-course ninja and the shattering tombstones were incredible too.

Now playing

I’ve been on a bit of a *bad* movie spree lately, so am compelled to add the “V-8 seduction” scene from the batshit-insane, totally-80's Ninja 3: The Domination... (tho this YouTube clip stops short of revealing the extraordinarily hirsute nature of the cop character... yes, he’s a cop...)

“Error redeeming gift card

“Error redeeming gift card

Now playing

I’ll always remember him as one of the Construction Workers from Get A Life... the beautiful and uplifting “tool-belt fight” episode!

And, he’s a great souse!

♩ ♫ Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay, gone are my friends from the cotton fields away, gone from the earth to a better land I know, I hear the gentle voices calling, old black Joe… ♬ ♪

Which three readers?

Which three readers?

“Shooooes... Manny, I need shooooooes!”

I’ve only seen Meloni in the Hot Wet series, but this sounds like an interesting place to catch more of him....

Count me in... and if you like movies that are called The Square, but are more into Aussie Noir than satirically cringeworthy artworld skewering, check out the 2008 flick. It’s pretty good.

Ima try this with my canna-oil (so will skip the whole browning of the butter thing...) but I’m definitely one of those “bacon makes everything better” people...