Drinky the Drunk Guy

All I knew was that Matt Berry was in it, but I recently bought (and loved) the boxset of Toast of London for my region free player... and just a week or two later, I see it’s now streaming on Netflix... oh well, check it if you haven’t already.

P.S. Yes, I can hear you, Clem Fandango!

The Red Lobster mix makes for a pretty good pizza crust too...

I’ve used this mix for pizza dough... it’s a little biscuity, but great!

I’m “working” so can’t watch, but, from my movie/TV knowledge, know that morticians are *always* EATING on the job…

But, but... “Stand” is also the Get a Life theme song... so, it’s actually still cool! (to me, and Chris Peterson, anyway...)

Glad you’re diggin’ ‘em!

My first Buttertones experience was during a time when I’d downloaded several vary random releases, and at first, pegged them as some Cramps-wannabes. I literally had no idea of where or more-specifically, *when* the tracks had come from. Nothing “new” here per se, but they are so damn stylish

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Give The Buttertones a spin... not pure-psycholbilly, but they hit alot of retro-cool surfy/southwesty notes...

I feel we should Rastafy him by ... ten percent or so...

I’m no Scrappy-lover either, but, he is referred to in this Mitchell and Webb sketch which I dearly DO love...

If it’s coming out on 4/20, then maybe Cannafield?

re: “a place that all of society’s outcasts and minorities can gather to support each other and, yes, achieve their dreams.”

Do these freaks have that team-building chant? You know, “One of us! One of us!!”

I’m an atheist and say “goddamn” all the time, even tho I don’t expect “him” to do any damning on my behest…

Late to the party, but popped in to see if anyone mentioned that (seeing as her character has a Dark Souls game in her collection) Hannah John-Kamen voiced the NPC cat, Sweet Shalquoir in Dark Souls 2... (and, of course, Kinja’s interface is as laborious a slog to read through old comments as Diqsuq’s ever was...)

Sandwiches (Hinged Breading)

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This looks like a good place to plug my 2017 fave again… The ButtertonesGravedigging! Punky, surfy, southwesty and retro with assorted other flavors seeping in… think of The Cramps gone more cinematic… or just click this link to the title track; if you dig this, you’ll love the whole album…

Heil agree with that!

During my annual Halloween-horror-athon, I spotted him in the not-really-worth-plugging Frankenfish (not a *good* flick by any measure, but not as BAD as the title would suggest)... and immediately recognized him from Last Man on Earth...

Starred for some Car Seat Headrest love! “Destroyed by Hippie Powers” rocks my ass off!

My fave release of the year has been The Buttertones’ Gravedigging. Stylishly retro-rocking, it’s just a gorgeous, timeless, mash of punk/alt/60's-era-roots-rock flavors... at first I thought they were just some Cramps-wannabes, but they’re *so* much more (and, their previous album, American Brunch is similarly

You can walk into 10 different bars and order a LIIT and you’ll get 10 *completely* different drinks... (but of course, you’d be pretty wasted too, tho, so...)