Drinky the Drunk Guy

Why didn’t they just *call it* “The Lost City of Zed”!? I feel like a dumbass for mispronouncing it for so long...

Or, perhaps a citrusy “Orange you glad I have a vagina?”

Color me envious!! Yeah, my favorite table of all time (I’m old and was around when pinball was more of a thing)... but the digital port job the Pinball Arcade folks did is pretty impressive.

The Binding of Isaac for me… always The Binding of Isaac

re: “My Dinner with Andre: The Game

Tell me more!

Pinball Arcade is awesome, and they’ve picked some of the all-time greats to recreate… (Medieval Madness, being my personal fave! And the Elvira machines are a real hoot, too!)

Cool, thanks!

So, we can post annoying little giffy things now... can we <B>bold</B> or <I>italicize</I> shit?

If I were a rich man, I’d pay somebody to fix this shit...

For whatever it’s worth, I got a new Kinja account going with my beloved username… still awaiting the part where I merge it with my good ol’ AVC Legacy stuff.

Not loving the new system; I thought DIQSUQ’s “load more comments” shenanigans were bad enough… oh well...

He’s a creep, he’s a weirdo, he don’t belong here... etc.

I’m glad he’s moved on, of course, but Aukerman will always be Mr. Show’s “Taint Guy” to me...

I hope not, because that’s exactly what I did...

If I put my old AV legacy username into my new Kinja fucking thing, is that gonna dick up my re-connecting process!?!?

They review(ed) music around here?

They review(ed) music around here?

Are we the baddies?

Are we the baddies?

Are we the baddies?

There's a portal to Amazon around here somewhere, right?