There's a portal to Amazon around here somewhere, right?
There's a portal to Amazon around here somewhere, right?
Woozle wuzzle?
Woozle wuzzle?
So… when do we rise up into the air? Isn't there a trumpet sound or something?
So… when do we rise up into the air? Isn't there a trumpet sound or something?
It sure feels like end times are nigh upon us… I wanna get involved, but don't know how to *virtually* smash and loot!!
But, is he having fun yet?
If we *took the bones out*, it wouldn't be crunchy, would it!?!?
I don't do it often anymore, but since I was a kid (many, many years ago) I enjoy slathering a glazed doughnut with peanut butter (pref. Crunchy JIF)…
Me too!
And "tits" doesn't even *belong* on the list… it sounds like a snack!
So, what's DeVos' stance on *these* bears?
re: "reminiscent of Wilco’s alt-country ‘90s output" — Excellent! A.M. has always been my favorite Wilco album…
Yep, Colossal was a heaping helping of something really fucking different, enjoyed it greatly…
I could watch Tim Blake Nelson in about anything, and especially love his "mountain man" character in the Camping episode of Stella…
These missiles sound a lot like WMD's for a new generation…
I'd let mine go fairly feral recently… then neatened up the sides, but have let the goatee area stay freaky (until I have a business convention next month; then I'll tame her back somewhat…)
Keep 'em comin', Gleep Glop!
Such a boastful (and demonstrably false) claim… I thought rappers were generally quiet, self-effacing fellows…
Friday was my birthday too, belated cheers!