Drinky the Drunk Guy

Thanks for trying…

Contest? Like, "I'm tripping waaaay more balls than you are, dude!!"?

Alright, 19 out of 165 isn't too bad… I'm not going to have to cut anyone into little pieces… TGIFF!

Dying constantly *is* Dark Souls 2, man! You'll get used to it…

…and, where *is* the worst place to put grandma's ashes?

You sure it wasn't 'shrooms you did?

It's always Meme, Meme, Meme!

Did they suggest he try turning it off and back on again?

"We won't starve…"

…and do it New York City, so you'll automatically have another Character!

Tattoo it on your body, Memento-style!

Ha! Solved it!!

Good to know, G. My big-ass AV Club-recommended Food Lab cookbook is coming tomorrow. I've only ever had store-bought, vaccuum-packed gnocchi and have always been fairly disappointed…

My cookbooks and magazines are scattered throughout the living room (on shelves), bedroom (in piles) and junk room (in boxes)… but if the fire originated in the kitchen itself, I'd have to grab my thick stack of several-years-worth of Internet recipe printouts (I intend to bind them in some logical order someday) but

Upvoted with Porcupine Love!

Yep, awesome relatively-unknown band! "Cigarette" and "Witchdoctor" were my fave tracks, and their Neil Diamond cover ("Solitary Man") is pretty awesome too.

Cud of Thunder

Cool! Just bought Kenji's massive volume for my birthday!

… or non-alcoholic beer!?