Drinky the Drunk Guy


I though it was because he admitted that he wasn't sucking his own cock?

Yes, amazing series! I'm currently loving the 3rd season, just got the dvd last week. So glad they're currently making a 4th also…

His spelings not to grate eether…

You really *are* what you eat then!

No chance… too much belly in between the two…

I have to admit, I also am *not* Steve Bannon nor sucking my own cock…

Indeed; haven't even opened the case on that one yet, but always had fun in the previous iterations. There will be drinking and driving tonight (in the safety of my own home)…

Also been dabbling in some Dark Souls… it took me a stupidly long time to realize the enemies were *not* going to stop spawning as they did in DS2… duh.

Behind the times/tech, as usual, I'll be dipping into some PS3 games I was unable/unwilling to play on the shitty TV I was saddled with for a year (which rendered small video-game text barely legible). I'm back on my "smart" Samsung and can see clearly again (hell, there's almost *tooo many* pixels, but art/text look

Evian is "naive" spelled backwards!

True… but one of the worst offenders *is* management… bless her heart.

re: "the last thing I want to do is spread it around to my coworkers"… I wish my coworkers were as thoughtful as you; we've got a couple here who will drag themselves in regardless of how utterly sick they are… ugh.


Pokey and his band are a guaranteed old-timey good time!! Fun stuff!

Just rewatched that #9 episode recently, and yes, Warner was a delight! (Have just received my Series 3 DVD and am stoked to see more Shearsmith/Pemberton & friends, so good!)

Great news…I could go for a mother-effin' beer!

Excellent! And none of "those" to worry about, ha!

"Tell me something… is this hospital called St. Crock of Shit"

Happy to see so many Matt Berry fans here… I've just received the boxset of "Toast of London" and am looking fwd to bingeing that asap!