Am I the only one who doesn’t like this shift to “digital gauge clusters” or whatever people are calling them? They look cheap to me. No one things an apple watch is classier than a Breitling or Rolex analog watch. Why are we going this direction?
Am I the only one who doesn’t like this shift to “digital gauge clusters” or whatever people are calling them? They look cheap to me. No one things an apple watch is classier than a Breitling or Rolex analog watch. Why are we going this direction?
A jilted white lady who wants to exploit it as a tool for revenge by crying wolf.
This will surely be a rational discussion thread that can acknowledge that rape may well have happened while also acknowledging that it is impossible to prove guilt on any level if the accuser goes to the police two weeks after the fact, when there is no physical evidence left. That leaves it to the court of public…
Here is the solution to all of your problems:
The problem is the first letter writer and yourself are trying to assume the experience of others which you can’t possibly do with 100% accuracy. To the degree seen in the letter writer it looks like anxiety disorder symptoms. However, there’s no way of knowing from a letter obviously.
I grew up in Alabama, and I agree. Abortion being THE issue at the ballots was preached from my family and from the pulpit, and it took moving out of the state to reverse the brainwashing. It was framed as, if you voted for a pro-choice candidate you were the problem. Nothing is more important in Southern politics…
I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other…
This is a shame because Philadelphia fans are generally such a pleasant lot who just can’t catch a break despite years of loyal and kindhearted devotion to their hometown teams.
“F1: Driving isn’t about physical strength.” LOL
If they really cared about getting women into motorsports they would have chosen Oprah. It would have made her care a bit about women in motorsports which would have made her realize that there aren’t many women in motorsports because they don’t have as many opportunities.
I’ve heard and read so many white Democrats try to shame blacks who didn’t show up to vote in the election. When I explain that black turnout was down because the Democrats ignored the black constituency, the general answer was “Well at least they’re not Republicans. Dems had to go for the working class whites!”
“Obama destroyed the sky! Terrible color, very ugly, “poor taste.” From this day forward the sky will be gold.”
These guys just probably lit a match in the Middle East and now they’re models of caution and moderation?
Jesus, Donald. Don’t be a bitch just because you were told your boyfriend couldn’t come.
The typo thing=children is unkind. You should not marry this man not because you may be young, based on your typos. You should not marry this man because after hooking up on-again, off-again, fooling around, whatever it was for three years, he can’t know after three months of monogamy if he’ll be satisfied and…
A little over a week ago, a Kentucky state trooper resigned following allegations that he’d had sex with a woman he…
From that NYT article, which has been really bothering this morning:
Will you find a few nonwhite women who vote for the dude? Sure. Will he get even double digits among them? Nope. Will he win more than 50% of white women? Yes. I’m pretty comfortable letting that statement stand as is.