Then fighters would want a real pay day from having actual fight experience. And UFC can’t have that since they’d never make any money if they had to pay undercard and prelim fighters a living wage for a fight.. /s
Then fighters would want a real pay day from having actual fight experience. And UFC can’t have that since they’d never make any money if they had to pay undercard and prelim fighters a living wage for a fight.. /s
Too bad his Instagram is private or it might have been available.
Combination of factors... but other cars did avoid him.
I’ve spun out there. I know. There is still an iota of caution to use coming in there.
That was Metrics fault all the way. Sure it doesn’t help that the tail lights weren’t on in the stalled car and it was backdropped by a dark background. But you look at the corner apex, you should have seen a car not moving and a yellow waving.
Bad corner. No taillights not he stopped car, shitty headlights on the Deltawing.
Apparently she was under pressure at some point.
Sucks for him.
I am wondering about the poor guy thinking, “Really didn’t want this to be my claim to fame, of all things, but my sister just got $kaycog’d on Jalopnik. Maybe it’s her claim to fame.”
Believe the same thing happened in the Bahamas when one of the RCI ships was directed to anchor in a specific position which damaged reefs as well.
Just one long repetitive infomercial for
*No actual Red Bulls were consumed in the making of this video.
Anything you want to get off of your chest?
Maybe he meant grade school. Someone in grad school would’t make that mistake.
Don’t want one. Too heavy. Weight:power ratio means something.
Can we please get Randy Orton to RKO this baby?
Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge douche Caroline. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge. Both are douchy. Both pimp Kias.
Replay inconclusive? I think he was on the white line. Good for 6.
Video replay shows Mauk was on the white line. Good enough. +6.