“Your honor, the UFC doesn’t even pay the fighters this much and they take much more abuse!”
“Your honor, the UFC doesn’t even pay the fighters this much and they take much more abuse!”
The best part about this is a few cars pulled over when the cop had his R&B’s flashing, yet the guy on the bike had no clue why anyone would be slowing down and pulling over? This idiot earned more than most UFC fighters and only had to take one kick.
Deadspin just advertised for him more than winning a poker tournament could ever do.
You are not kidding. Gainesville usually only annexes parts where they put up new student apartments to show an increase in population growth. But then come holidays, the City is a ghost town. There is really NOTHING to keep people in Gainesville other than going to school or having a business that banks on college…
Some people aren’t comfortable rolling around with flat tires. Even some guys have to get lifted to boost their egos.
It’s not an accident if you stick your face there on purpose.
Seriously not sure I could trust aftermarket airbags. No matter how stylish or large, something is going to explode in someone’s face.
The irony of the screen name. +1
Who? Why? Tragedy for sure, but why the randomness of a donation link?
Soon as I saw the tampon on the bar, I knew this was a fail.
Nice of you to toss this out there...
Other than the fact they haven’t figured out how to record video horizontally?
Making the defense say,”Uncle!”
Cheapskate. You didn’t even buy a shirt from the box!
He is pretty offensive.
You can tackle a ball runner by the hair. Holding a defensive player is a penalty coach.
Sincerely, Mrs. Grimes.
Sorry, they only show shitty Florida teams in Florida.
If you are going to hire someone and give them contract, at least steal them from a team with a winning record. 6-10 is unacceptable either way.
Hire someone from a winning team. Or give Campbell a full season. But 6-10? I mean Campbell was at least HC for 5 wins.