
At their heart, the Muppets were always this subversive; they were just broader and subtler about it. To me, this version of the characters is just a little too on-the-nose. Call it the Family-Guy-ification of the Muppets.
Which makes me super sad.

I wanted more occult stuff, not less!

BAD is dead. Long live BMD!

Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most… human.

On point.

You are such a such a cool jazz cat! Man, I wish I was more like you. Thanks for clearing that up! Wow!!!

And you know what? That is a damn good question that I'm not sure of either.

… with a minor in Douchebaggery :-)

Or told him that he'd be better off conceding that becoming mired in a costly court case….

You want to talk actionable? Compare Zepplin's "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" and Chicago's "25 or 6 to 4." THAT is a direct lift.

Did it ever occur to you that Smith conceded royalties to avoid expensive court fees? This sort of thing happens all the time.
And with that, I'm out of here. Goodnight everybody, and don't feed the trolls!

No, but my second Master's (Journalism did).

You forgot to mention my teacup.

Yeah, I'd typed, deleted, and retyped it. Don't want to come off as a prick… just let me tell you that the entirety of the classical canon is filled with appropriations like this. All. The. Time.

The most similar thing is the scansion (metrical character of the words). But even that isn't exclusive to "Back Down."

Here's the thing… the colors in Petty's song are completely different than Smith's. The instrumentation is different. The melodic contours are different.
I'm classically trained clear through the Master's level, so you'd think that I'd be pretty hard-nosed about this, but I'm not.
We're only dealing with 12 pitches,

Something else owed to it: the perception that rabbits eat carrots.
Bug Bunny's penchant for carrots was modeled after Gable's chomping on them in IHON. The association made it seem that rabbits love carrots, when in fact, they don't.
True story.

Don't you mean an Elmy?

It's like bourbon. It burns at first, and you say, why do it again?
Pretty soon, you're halfway down the bottle.