I can see the headlines now; “TRUMP: I met some Muslims yesterday, they’re not that bad. I take back everything I’ve said this past year.”
I can see the headlines now; “TRUMP: I met some Muslims yesterday, they’re not that bad. I take back everything I’ve said this past year.”
I get that he had a once in a lifetime opportunity there (be the big breakout character in the first Star Wars movie since the 70s!) but he had to have realized it was going to be absurdly shitty during the making of it. That voice didn't help either.
I'm astounded by all the hate for Ant Man in this thread and hardly anything for the lumbering mess that was Age of Ultron. Glad that Joss Whedon is moving on to something else.
Thank you. I hated that movie.
This, totally. Spectre was so disappointing on all levels. Actually, I’ve found Daniel Craig a totall underwhelming Bond in all his movies.
Well that's a shame. The Art Institute is one of my favorite art museums in the country.
Sorry, the Star Wars Holiday Special isn’t “so bad it’s good,” that shit’s just bad. Even watching the Rifftrax version (which is the only way I’d recommend it ever) barely helps. It’s the worst of 70’s variety shows with nothing actually entertaining in it. Not even funny in a laughing at how bad it is kind of way.
Really? That show is proof he should have retired early. Textbook definition of phoning it in. Everybody talks about how Carrie Fischer is hopped up on goofballs throughout the show but Art Carney is sleepwalking or on quaaludes or something.
All the stars in the sky to you. I don’t even understand how Sploid is a thing when every post is “hey we found this video! Here you go!”
Girls use computers, right? Roll Jezebel in there.
Yes. I’m already tired of Sploid’s “hey we found this video - here you go!” and I sure don't want more.
Here’s hoping they keep Sploid’s useless reposting of click bait videos segmented off.
By suing in a Texas court? Ain't gonna happen.
As a lefty, I don't get how people use G2s without getting the ink all smeared. Not a problem with the Jetstream.
As a lefty, I don't get how people use G2s without getting the ink all smeared. Not a problem with the Jetstream.