
Did anyone notice had Ozzy completely changed who he _would_ have voted for at the reunion show? He was all for Brad (even wrote #77) at tribal, then after the season aired (where he likely saw Brad's behavior), he indicated that he would have voted for anyone but Brad. I believe he also said the "right person won" as

Really? I'm only in the tail end of season 4 (and have touched it in months). This might help me get back to getting through that terrible season/

I can see the appeal in the acrobatic style of that show. But (for me, anyway), when someone punches another person in Arrow, it doesn't feel like it "connected". Again, that's just how I feel when I watch it.

I guess I just don't prefer that style of choreographed fighting. Personally, I love Matthew Vaughn's style (Kingsman/Kick Ass) as well as the fighting on "Banshee," and even Captain America (in Winter Soldier).

The action scenes in Arrow are terribly unrealistic (not in a "super hero unrealistic" way, but like "there's no way a trained fighter would react that way to an incoming punch" kinda way), it lacks any sort of feeling of pain or grit, and are choreographed to look more like a acrobatic dance routine. But you are

Movie rule: If someone doesn't obviously die on screen, then you can expect them to return.

I'd argue that Hannah didn't do what she should have done during the final tribal council. She was a bit too aggressive, which can rub a lot of the jury the wrong way, especially those who were on the fence about her.

No Black Sails anywhere? That show was easily in my top 4 or 5 along with Better Call Saul, American Crime Story, Mr. Robot, and GoT.

Question: I am currently in season 4, ep. 15 and I am having a really hard time getting through it (the fight choreography, storylines, and villains are just terrible). It seems, though, that it is having a fantastic resurgence in season 5.

I've re-watched SG-1 many times, and it certainly holds up humor and action-wise (maybe not the first season). Great, timeless characters.

Huge RDA fan, but he looks a little worse for wear.

That scenario sounds hilarious and I hope it happens.

It's not like they had to do it in under 24 hours or whatever, so why not take the time to do it well, rather than make something mediocre.

Did AV Club stop reviewing Grimm?

because they're dudes

This episode is definitely an A. This is the only animated series I watch, but episodes like this show you how good and emotional animated shows can be.

Is my memory failing me or did they just completely get rid of the whole Nick has new super powers thing from the season premiere? Also, Trubel has grown on me despite the fact I didn't like her at first. She's also gorgeous.

Great episode and way better than a B.

I'm really trying to stay interested in this series, hoping that it will take a turn for the better. Overall, it's not too bad and I do like it, but they really did a poor job on casting accept for Billy Campbell. I can't take anyone else too seriously or see them as any kind of threat (especially the Major).

A- definitely. Brody's death was very appropriately depressing, yet spectacular.