Manitos, The Tiny Hands of Trump

You forgot the biggest(?) news from Fandome, Shazam 2 is coming out with Sinbad probably in a role.

I’ll believe it when I’m holding 2021 #1 of Icon, Hardware and Blood Syndicate

It’s sad how much you people hate Capitalism

Seriously, for everyone that was waiting for Obama to say these words earlier, I say, “that’s not his job!” He gave y’all eight years of his life, he left his children and wife open to scrutiny. Hell, he even gave y’all his wife and they have told y’all that they are done, so y’all need to stop begging them to take

What the duck?

Jez writers are paid to do a journalism, they’re not paid to do it well.

Swing and a miss.

knock knock...land shark

I’ve had two close family friends in Texas die from Covid within the last ten days.

Kill yourself.

Kinja was specifically built to guarantee anonymity and allow people to be as douchey as possible. Even when Gawker was around, Denton spent approximately zero dollars in moderating. Hell, most of the writers on some of their sites were active trolls up to the bitter end.


Jesus Christ, people actually still listen to this guy? White people, smh.

Welcome to being treated like every other government employee. I expect to see more of the cowards quit; staffing problems solved.

I understand that. I like Joe and I know he means well—even if he does have past issues. I like how he can really connect with people and is very affable. I just hate how everyone on the Right and Left makes a mountain out of every slip of his tongue. I would rather people actually look at the context of what he’s

Dr Emilio Lizardo is crap

Whomp whomp

What was that worthless site that used to exist? Toothpick? Thimble? Sminter? Anyway, those Ukrainian trolls white boys would be losing their shit right now.

It’s going to be a contest between “Kamala is a cop” and “it should’ve been Warren Bernie.