Manitos, The Tiny Hands of Trump

Great! Now get him to shut the fuck up until the convention and then until after election night.

Head injuries get you when you’re older. Young players die from a bad ticker.

just attacks old people, especially old people with bad hearts, diabetes, or some kind of physical problem,”

Yep. A major strain of the flu originated in Kansas, so the US going into war really helped spread the virus globally.

Johnny Rotten is a right-wing Johnny Rotten.

Right? How dare Kotaku use his own words and viewpoints against him?

Shut the fuck up

All you Jalopnik fucks need to stay in your racist lane and off this site.

THis is all you need to know about James Bradley:

Don’t forget the bootstraps. I know plenty of my people buy into this belief and anyone who falls into hard times, it’s their own fault.

Shut the fuck up.

Kill yourself. Is that better, son?

If it weren’t for the racism of the GOP, it would’ve happened already. Dubya knew it and was elected thanks to Latino support.

Everything Trump has ever attempted ends in disaster. This presidency is no exception.

Somebody told him to hit that talking point and he chose the worst place and worst way to do so. *Sigh*

Shut the fuck up.

I’m not like a smart person