Manitos, The Tiny Hands of Trump

Shut the fuck up. This is all incorrect. 

For him (and his defenders in the greys) I have this:

I’ve always told my wife that if aliens came to this planet only having seen “Classic Hollywood” movies, they’d be flabbergasted to discover that PoC exist.

Right. Just because you put up a sign that says Private Property doesn’t make it so.

100% bullshit

They’re doubling down.

Daily reminder that you should kill yourself.

Yeah, that’s the elephant in the room that no one likes to call Marvel/Disney out on. They have a terrible record for diversity and inclusion. It took a decade to get a POC-lead film and poor Black Widow will probably just be dumped to Disney+ in the Fall. Aside from that, if you’re looking for Latino heroes, you

Kill yourself. Seriously.

Thanks for adding another strawman. No one here has said that he’s Harvey Weinstein or anything near that. He used his job to facilitate cheating on his wife, so his bosses are well within their right to remove him from that job. 

Cree Summer and Phil Lamarr are the two voice actors who spring to mind immediately having voiced white characters. There are probably a few examples out there where this happens, but the fact that we can’t name any kinda shows what we’re talking about. 


Shouldn’t you be trolling BleedingCool right now?

It’s not the infidelities, its 1) using his job as a means to engage in these infidelities and 2) the negative press that will affect his employers.

A noose is a terrible knot to use as a door pull. You want something much sturdier that doesn’t waste half the rope just making the knot. This smells of good ole boy dipshittery. 

“Why is no one protesting this?”

Religion is next.

A federal judge denied that request, which specifically stated concerns about disenfranchising black voters, stating that “last-minute action by the court would adversely impact the election,” writes CNN.

If you know anyone that thinks Joe Rogan is a deep thinker, cut them out of your life immediately.