Manitos, The Tiny Hands of Trump

I also usually cry after going to McDonalds. But that’s because of what it does to my digestive system.

Thank you, white kid, for telling us what racism is.

Here’s what the AV Club said of that sketch:

No. They’ve always been like this.


Wypipo gonna wypipo

Players will report to the Disney campus beginning July 9 and will be subject to daily testing throughout the duration of the season.

I’ve never seen anyone hold a bible so awkwardly; like he’d never seen one before in real life.

That certainly explains your anger. 

Keep wringing those hands or you might actually use them to do something.

Your “founding fathers” were thugs and animals? That, we can agree on.


Not wearing a face mask in a pandemic is completely un-Christian.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to type that sentence? You literally live in a country whose independence began with protests turning into riots, and these riots are celebrated and mythologized.

Flag and Dismiss

Yes, western hemisphere. (Have to remember not everyone here on this site is from the US)

“Let’s make this about me.” - White people, always.

If you’re going to be edgy online at least be clever about it. I’ve taken shits more creative than anything you’ve ever written.

White people have acted like animals in this hemisphere alone since 1492. Go fuck yourself.