Manitos, The Tiny Hands of Trump

“It is better 100 guilty murderous cops should escape than that one innocent Target should suffer” - White people

Texas has already given in and will be giving rich kids the money they don’t need.

The riot is the language of the unheard...Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention.” - MLK

How will Target recover from this?

Don’t apologize. Ashley is doing exactly what you say she is. Take a look at any of her posts and you can see that clearly. 

Derek Chauvin should be sleeping with one eye open.

Yeah when people were all about the “where is Biden?” shit. He was staying out of the way, letting Trump show his ass day in and day out.

He’s not wrong, though.

That’s not how it works, you complete and utter moron. Testing was limited to those in high-risk categories or had symptoms until recently. You shouldn’t be seeing spikes like this as the testing moves to the community at large if the virus has been contained. What this is showing is how the disease may be more

It’s not just Texans. All Trumpers are inhuman pieces of shit. Here’s the response from one to me after posting this article:

Less Texans is always a good thing. But seeing as my family lives close to these new hot spots, it does worry me. Governor Wheels and his goons are happy to sacrifice as many poor people as possible to make sure their corporate buddies make money.

White people eat this shit up. 

Ill be voting, but only because I have friends/family directly affected by Trumps presidency. If I didn’t, I would probably just stay home and watch the world burn.

Let him know what you think:

LOL, no. No. Just no.

*Yawn* I’m not Black. And you’re not intimidating.

There’s nothing I could do to you that life already hasn’t done. You’d have been better off being a stain on your grandad’s sheets.

So many dumb, white motherfuckers showing their ass today.

Must be related to Van Jones.