
Shot through the heart,

It's a plane, fer chrissakes, open a fucking window, what's the problem?

I'm not here to defend any of the choices; that's the job of the judges and the fans. But what I WILL say is that Chris Preist is one of the whiniest people in science fiction. Or whatever he wants to call it. I'm one of the first to call bullshit on that which I find crass or nonsensical, but if I ever see a Preist

Uh, no, actually, I don't.

Screw Ivy Bridge, where the hel;l are the E5 Xeons we've been waiting for months to arrive???

Yes, but the armature only turns....(wait for it...) ANTICLOCKWISE!!!

Yes, cute. but incredibly stinky. If you've ever had the misfortune to get one in your house or under it, they are some of The Most Foul Smelling things in creation. They eat fish and molusks, and the scent glands secrete an odor that would give a skunk pause.

Real original title of this film: BraveTart

I knew the lil' fucker was flying drunk.


"I understand the desire to not reveal too much of a film's story..."

Step 1. Build a garage...

Yes, you can. They aren't cheap, but I did get a set.

Yeah, and wait until that hack Neil deGrasse Tyson gets hold of this deGrasse guy.

There is enough guilt to go around.

As someone who drives on black ice almost every day, I have this to say.

Phil wuz right.

Didn't Woz build the equivalent of an Arduino version of this in college to use as a prank?

Notice that that is a RUSSIAN F-35 in the picture, being flown, if my Cyrillic is not too rusty, by someone named YVAN.

Yeah yeah, ipad smipad....when are they going to update the goddamn Mac Pro? This thing hasn't been updated in over a year and a half!