
Umm...anyone notice that the "Evil Dead" sounds a LOT like Robert Silverberg's "Book of Skulls"?

A-yep! Kenneth Brannagh notwithstanding, it blowed up REEL good!

Aside from cheap, I don't know if it's Marvel or whoever, but notice that the second of any of these series gets all (forgive me,) girlie? Kinda like the Robocop 2. "He's great, but could we add a little sensitivity training? Could he just wag his finger at them, instead of getting all shoot-y and such?" It happened

Close, but no cigar. Their motherboards are bespoke, as it made exclusively for them, because they're a really funky shape, if you ever get to see one. That puts the cost waaay up. Also, power supplies, cases, speakers and video cards, same thing. They use conventional 3.5" hard drives and DVDs, but you're right about

'74 LeSabre. Don't know why, I just do.

Too Easy.


Exactly, right? That's what I tell the people who bitch at me for beating a drum in my front yard all night to keep the elephants away.

I definitely would not say that the numbers of people who signed or didn't sign are any indicator of legitimacy or accuracy of the result. Look at Einstein and Bohr who clashed over the 'Copenhagen Interpretation' of quantum physics, or the longstanding disagreement between Heisenberg and Schrodinger regarding

If you go to the site and look at the top photo at the corners at the top magnification, it appears that there might be far more that is still covered. Now, from what I understand this is a desert area, and it could be that the 'singing sands' have covered even more of these lines. I find it difficult to believe that

Agreed. Not only that, but Adoobie and RIM said that Flash on the Blackberry was a done deal ages before the iPad and iPhone 3 (or was it 2?) came out. Yet, Adoobie's take on it was "yeah, we'll get to it. But lunch first!" and it never happened. Adoobie has only themselves to blame.

Jodorowsky is/was a nutbar of epic proportions. And the sad thing is that getting a movie made involves laying enough nutbars end to end to get from the beginning to the finish with YOUR nuts intact. Some who got involved with him, sadly, didn't.

Hey, as long as Judi Dench is gettin' work, I'm a happy guy.

I have that car's Big Brother, the wagon. Tranny's nice and tight, the rear end doesn't play at all (the front end takes the brunt of bad roads, and isn't in as good a repair,) and I just this year decided it's too nice to beat up in the winter any more. It's a summer cruiser now. And with the turbo, it'll beat the

VLAD: Very Large Array, Dummy! (As in VLAD the Inhaler)

Yeah..no. J. J. Abrams, whatever his box office record might be, is no director. Seth as producer and even actor or writer? Yup. I was really hoping his bit in FlashForward was going to be worth something. Alas, not. Ronald Moore? OK, I can see it.

Nonsense. You have absolutely no criteria other than the Apple Department of Bumpf to make such a statement. (BTW, Mr. Language Nazi here, 'You must not HAVE read...')

And this, friends and neighbours, is why the 'recreational pilot' designation needs to be ditched like that aircraft.

I so totally agree. This is a film that really needs to happen.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I believe we should tase ANYONE using the phoneme 'Bro'. It's not even a word. If you're too damn lazy to annunciate the word 'Brother', then you need a charge.