
Well, obviously much better than mine. I just heard the cadence in my head and went back to my wife dragging me to see "Lion King" live. Glad I'm not the sickest puppy in the pound.

Vagina Dentata

I watch this and think about what Apple's new CEO said when asked what his vision for the company was (or something equally mindless.) He was reported as saying "I'm thinking printers".

What I find amusing is that Seagate and WD, both of whom are the killer drive manufacturers and have NAS products, didn't even make the cut. The Seagate Black Armors, for example, i know from experience, are a total POS. You'd think they'd be the NAS kings.

There are a lot of SF classics I'd love to see made...if I could make them, so the images in my mind could come to life. Problem is, they aren't the images in anyone else's.

Touch=disease vector. Bad idea in a crowded tunnel.

Their support is bloody excellent. They have one of the best warranties in the business. Not all models carry the same coverage, though, but most have extensible coverage as well. Unless you're going to bash it around a lot, I've never seen one die.

The salient point here is it's not RAIDed, and given Seagate's track record with these boxes, it's about as safe as a dozen eggs in the middle of the Autobahn.

Just curious: Where do teachers fit on that graph?

The whole Flash thing is illusory. Just because other platforms support it doesn't mean it's a good thing, and honestly, I have no opinion one way or the other. What I DO know is that my SEO provider says that Google stops searching pages for words when it hits Flash, which was on the main page of my site. Since

Yeah, an airforce that kicks American butt in tac-evals on a regular basis. Who knew?

The words "Class-action lawsuit" come to mind...

1) Third rate commentator (Piers Morgan)

Worse yet, another Canadian project being run by an American.

With regard to the headline, how can you 'ruin' something that is that deeply fucked up in the first place???

Agreed. I always kind of liked this film. Lots of bile for no good reason I can think of.

AKA the Berlin Buick.

Erg. Fragments of sentences. Textual pretenses that went out 20 years ago. Cultural references that mean nothing to anyone over 30 and that will be obsolete faster than that. Do I hate it? Not yet, but I think I'll avoid the rush and get started on it now.

I can just imagine bringing her home to meet the 'Rents. And people wonder why I laugh for no apparent reason at work regularly. Damn. All the good androgynes are gay.

From Alberta, naturally, the home of more money than brains. Guess we can be glad he didn't try to put it in an IH Combiner.