To me, her skin radiates golden tones and that fuchsia is fighting it too much.
Honestly, when Diana Ross hands the author something on a silver platter and he drops it like hot potato... I just can’t... ;)
Other headlines I considered for this post were:
“in a dark, candlelit room to high-energy music,” and “The experience is tribal. It is primal. And it is fun.”
LOL The “Well, never mind then” moment Bauer’s arms flop down at his sides in the replay!
Was just about to comment on this. It’s great to see her now and how she turned it all around.
Well, swiping cards, maybe. Suits have been filed for less.
A - Ravenscraft - coolest last name EVER!
I still say the Two Fat Ladies did it best:
I keep my sliced bread in the fridge and it seems to last forever. I can use one loaf up to 10 days. I tend to buy the fresh baked, artisan stuff at the grocery store, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference.