
I'm surprised that the Miata from Looper didn't make this list.

I don't think Bock will be as cheap as Yuengling. Which is why Yuengling is great. Because of how cheap it is I drink Yuengling much more often when traveling to the east coast than I drink Shiner when home in Texas.

Flying Air France through Charles de Gaul can be the same way. And includes the fun of going through security when changing terminals.

I have one that I use for travel and it's great. I can just plug it in somewhere in the hotel room and easily be able to charge my iPad, LG G2, fitbit and bluetooth headphones while it also powers my travel router.

I have one that I use for travel and it's great. I can just plug it in somewhere in the hotel room and easily be

Just because the website is bad doesn't mean they didn't put time/talent into it. It took effort to replace the old website with this one.

I think the wheels are fine but the tires look too small. Especially on an FX4 trim level truck.

Nothing struck the power lines. That's why the quote at the end of your article is there. They just got close enough for the voltage to jump to the ladder.

Yeah my biggest complaint about the 4sevens lights I have is the fact that the tint isn't good. My next light will definitely be a neutral which means it probably won't be 4sevens.

I'll take a Stone Grapefruit Slam, thank you very much.

That's better. I was just going off what I saw on the Jeep website which was confusing because Jeep normally does a good job of offering colors on the Wrangler.

Yeah, it's weird that there are so few bright colors currently available for the Wrangler. None of the bright yellows, oranges, or greens that they've had recently.

My 06 Rubicon Unlimited is Solar Yellow. I'm a big fan of the color.

I haven't seen people completely block the road like that but I have seen people hide under overpasses and I've only been in Texas 3 years. I've even seen it happen in heavy rain.

I don't know the logistics behind it but I do know that it happens basically any place that is within walking distance of the two stadiums in Arligton.

I'm guessing that they'll do what all the businesses around the Rangers and Cowboy stadiums do. Charge people to park there.

I think you're perfectly justified in posting about these fires but by your justification you wouldn't have posted about this one until the post on Tesla's website and we all know that's not true.

Yeah, Ugly Pug is great stuff.

I'm pretty sure the Corvette diner in San Diego has tater tots. I know there have to be other places but nothing is coming to mind. Tater tots definitely are more common here in Texas. Although strangely enough it seems like the place I most often get tater tots ( covered in queso) is one of the few places that also