Excuse me, but how many rings of power have you made before?
Excuse me, but how many rings of power have you made before?
Because caring about canon in what is obviously a non-canon game is stupid?
I dunno... The NYT has been ripping pretty hard into the Trump administration. What are they supposed to do, post Trump’s picture on the front page of every issue with the headline “This Fuckstick Is Fucking Hitler, Ya Dumb Shits”?
Trump supporters waved around Russian flags with “TRUMP” plastered on them, a prank by 22-year-old Jason Charter and 36-year-old Ryan Clayton. “Most people didn’t realize it was a Russian flag, or they didn’t care,” Charter told the Atlantic in a phone interview.
I kind of want Joe Rogan screaming over this action.
AHAHAHAHAH. HamNo is this site’s resident leftist. The only thing your useless post proves is that you can’t read sarcasm, and you’re a fucking dumbass.
Typical leftist tactic of attacking the messenger. Stick to facts, please.
I already knew about the purpose of these before, and almost dismissed this article for what it was (upon initial judgements). However, after actually reading it (shocker!), I am happy to say that it was still an interesting and informative read.
It’s a race car. If masonry brick was proven to be the perfect aerodynamic shape, they’d make them look like masonry bricks.
They’re going to do every single thing they can to extract as much performance per square cm, looks be damned. Makes sense to me. You don’t ask the fastest female runner in the world to get a…
The enemy of my enemy is my newspaper.
They need to stop eating lead paint chips.
Close to the same thing. An AWD safari van, rope and at first a snow tube. We were camping in a state park and got hit with a massive lake effect snow. Park rangers were not pleased and asked for us to stop tubing behind the van.
We don’t need no education, we don’t need no birth control, mom leave us kids alone.
In the past week or so, I’ve gotten through twice and faxed once. I was polite to the staffer (who frankly sounded miserable). I just picked DeVos as the one issue on which to focus. I tried to appeal to his self serving nature by saying, “This isn’t a partisan issue. She is flat out unqualified. The Senator doesn’t…
Sometimes the only reason to do things is “because we can.”