
Oh Patrick, how quickly you forget how kind Richie was to you in that ice-cream truck when you made your big confession. Also, your coworkers are right to be pissed; considering we saw Owen bad-mouthing Kevin at the start of ep 5, it's pretty understandable that they're going to be freaked out about 1. every

Kevin being all 'oh yeah, let's go home' I feel tired domestic small talking with Jon DIRECTLY in front of Patrick after he'd reacted sympathetically (but not affirmatively) to Patrick's big 'I need you in my life' statement was so thoughtless. I was really mad for Patrick (and Jon). Kevin needs to wake up and realise

Of course it's understandable. And forgivable. But it's also clueless, petty and, worst of all for someone as self-involved as Patrick is, self-defeating. And this isn't some spur of the moment awkwardness that flares up from nowhere either - he has been doing this with the 'ginger' for three episodes now, trying to

I'm not sure if Patrick holds all that much power - he can't ask that Kevin leave his boyfriend, he can't admit the relationship to anyone (not even his two closest friends), he can't even get Kevin to fuck in a bed. Maybe he's able to persuade Kevin to drive 2 hours (and I thought that mostly just geographic