
I used to live pretty close to the flightpath of an airport where a few of these lived. Holy shit were they loud. We were used to the usual passenger aircraft and C-130s, but the first time one of these flew past we thought something go their altitude/approach very wrong. After the fourth or fifth time we finally

Lucky. I wasn’t allowed to watch the A-Team because it was too violent. That’s why 10 years later, I got a D in Chemistry because I skipped the chem lecture every week to watch A-Team re-runs.

Do we? Where did she end up? I’ve kinda lost track.

I went to a state school where tuition was like $70/credit hour. Now it’s over $200/credit hour. When I graduated, an entry-level engineering job was supposed to pay $65k/year...now it is $69k/year.

Not sure about the plug-in version, but the hybrid version has been my go-to for a rental when I don’t see a Mazda 3. It’s comfortable as fuck for long drives, doesn’t suck to drive, and gets amazing gas mileage. I had one in Colorado for a weekend and drove it out to the mountains and averaged about 40mpg

It’s a Jag...none of those are actually low miles.

One loaded with sound deadening, a glass roof, and a shit-ton of superfluous doohickies and gizmos. It’s even worse because the chassis and all of the body panels are aluminum, so it should be light as fuck.

You obviously didn’t work in IT in 1999, otherwise you would have seen firsthand the shitload of work that went into keeping the lights on.

Fuck your v8 clonecars. Dude wants flashy. You know what I don’t notice driving down the road, a Camaro because there’s a million of them, a Mercedes C-class because it’s the cheap Mercedes (AMG or not). You know what other people don’t notice driving down the road, a Chevy SS or a Lexus because because.

I second the nomination for a rake.

I second the nomination for a rake.

Here ya go:

Bowie shouldn’t be on the list...”classic rock bowie” barely existed

My girlfriend is a huge baseball fan and confirms that she is unaware of any blatant douchebags on the Nats roster since Bryce Harper left.

It’s been awhile since I’ve done math, but I think that’d have to be like 60mph

You sound like somebody who has never traveled 26.2 miles on foot in one go.

I only clicked on this to find out more about that wagon. Hope the trailer works out, but it looks like there’s more room to stretch out and sleep in the longroof?

My question to the real sportspeople that might be reading this is, how did the catcher/coaching staff not notice that he was tipping pitches and say something before the Astros put up 4 runs? That’s something the catcher should be able to see isn’t it? Especially if the guy has a history of doing it?

Yeah...that was a pretty dumb trade. Thanks for that though since it got us to the postseason.

Well, that was a wild ride.

Rays are up 5-2 in the 8th, and Cleveland is down 8-2 in the ninth, and I’m still wondering how the Rays are going to blow it.