
Ambush would imply that the shooter lured the cops there under false pretenses, then shot them. Dude just walked up and shot them both. To hear it from cops they’re trained to be “warriors” who are always ready for danger. Maybe they should’ve had more situational awareness \_(ツ)_/¯

The racist squad, who inconceivably loves hanging out here despite hating black people, sure has a lot of excuses at the ready as to why this is Jean’s fault and not Guyger’s. Note the wording - Guyger isn’t guilty, she’s just unlucky! Woe is her, cry the racist trolls, she definitely shouldn’t be in jail for

Apparently any action can become threatening if you do it whilst Black.

So for all the people that applauded Botham Jean’s brother for “forgiving” her and nodded like sheep when that stupid ass judge hugged that soulless cow, how dumb do you feel? Ten Years? Ten Years? I am still shaking my head over that shit. Fuck it let her out, I mean ten years was nothing anyway. This shit is why I

She was off-duty, at her residence, and not defending the public in any capacity, so there’s no rational basis for consideration as a police officer. She’s simply an armed person who walked into the wrong apartment, perceived a non-existent threat, and shot another human being - the lawful resident - dead.

I especially love this tidbit from colossal dumbass Yakub (who used to be dontburnthings1 - changed his name but not his habit of plastering every story with irrelevant links.)

Let us all never forget Botham’s brother hugging her and the judge coming off the bench and hugging her and all the performative pity and forgiveness bullshit was just what the public saw.

See, if anything like this happened to my family, God forbid, I would never believe that stupid crying. I’d ask the judge to throw the book at them because they’re just going to appeal later and say exactly this nonsense. I don’t trust murderers, period.

I love all the racists here.

And yet his own brother was hugging her telling her he forgives her and she still doesn’t want to take responsibility for her actions. This is why I refuse to believe that most white people that do shit like this are sorry for it. I knew those tears she cried was not for her victim but for herself and this shows it. Mr

Although she also had a taser and pepper spray on her person along with the gun that was used to kill Jean, Guyger’s attorneys argue that officers are trained to not use these weapons “when faced with a deadly situation.”

Though she has a legal right to appeal sentencing, I find this absolutely disgusting. She killed him and has no remorse about it. She can’t argue self-defense because she had a couple of ways out of the apt. (could have left out the door, window), could have used any lesser action short of killing him which was the

And there are protesters in Utah facing LIFE sentences for throwing paint on public property. Fuck this country.

How the hell is eating ice cream threatening?