
Agreed. Until they provide some sort of evidence to back that up, this is basically a variation on a friend-of-a-friend anecdote.

all i'm hearing from this article is that drinking a barrel of triclosan could be a healthy alternative to a DIY vasectomy

No. He didn't.

They can't be all that patriotic if they're home during the day and not out working making money like real Ameruicans. I mean, what are they all? On welfare? Lazy bums. Oh. Maybe they're working from home making $25/hour like your Gawker-reading aunt. Nevermind.

To see a city like this persevere after everything it's been through is a joy and an inspiration.


Yeah, the homer was great and all, but really, who hasn't nailed something holding a Budweiser?

Yeah, the inconsistency was a major problem, and it was unrelenting.

Kirk and McCoy bait the local natives so they'll run "out of the kill zone", bringing them like...a few hundred feet farther away from the volcano. But the volcano, if it goes off, will wipe out the entire planet and species. Erm...which is it?


Eh, Star Trek has always been either too stupid to live or hopelessly naive.

Are you saying that Montreal is in New York State?

The part of the movie that bothered me the most was the dialogue for the Khan chase sequence. First they can't beam Khan up, they've taken too much damage. Then, they cant beam spock and khan back because "they are moving too much" and can't get a lock.

Dr. Strangelove was modeled after Edward Teller, Werner Von Braun, Admiral Rickover and dozens of other Cold War scientists and engineers who dreamed up and seriously proposed these audacious schemes.

"Instead of trying to build newer and bigger weapons of destruction, we should be thinking about getting more use out of the ones we already have." - Jack Handey.

Personally, I'm in favor of re-arranging the planets of the solar system — preferably in alphabetical order — but I've always been astonished at the lack of math awareness demonstrated by those wanting to move planets around with nuclear explosions. While even a 100-megaton boom seems large by human standards, it's

Seriously. Would you let THIS guy near your nukes??

11) Save 'em. Might come in handy.

I don't blame you for not including the one about the guy surviving the blast in a fridge. A lot of us like to pretend that never happened. :)

The "get off my lawn" makes your perfect post even more perfect.

...this is why we need laws about home-schooling curriculum.

That's fracking awesome!