

I don't think they understand how Twitter works. You have to put that paper into a carrier, and send it through the tubes.

This reminds me of a serving job I had back in college. I was working memorial day weekend at a golden corral. I had just finished refilling the chocolate fountain when I heard a commotion over by the 6 topper by the bathrooms. A tourist had grabbed the arm of a waitress as she was walking by with a full tray,

I'm sure we're hearing the whole story here...

Of course not. You'd be surprised how many one night stands can begin with fake names and end with false phone numbers. At least there's facebook for me to monitor the pregnancy and shameful birth of my son.

Yes, specifically the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

I have the same buzz about being a father. I impregnate women as often as possible.

Listen, sweetheart, don't let one asshole ruin it for you. We're not all like him. Tell him no next time, and if he doesn't listen, tear his fucking sack off.

I find it heartening to see so much support for a pedophile. This is why I have hope that someday all pedophiles will be celebrated and respected, like Michael Jackson. It's time we stop judging people.

indeed. May that pedophiles rest in peace.

Don't believe it because there's no video.

Thanks. The level of silliness was getting stupefying.

Yet another reason why Sci-Fi is shit. this is why sci- fi enthusiasts disqualifythemselves from serious scientific discussion. This is why Michio Kaku is a fucking clown.

Jesus. How about setting your sights to something a little more realistic first. You know, like protecting astronauts from radiation or something. You and everyone sounds like lunatics with your belief that we're even centuries away from such massive leaps in knowledge, if it's even possible, which it's not.

Yeah. Einstein-Rosen bridges look wonderful on paper too.

Don't worry, it won't happen.

Ponies are fun to think about.

that's a fucking massive assumption. You're not really acknowledging how fringe these hypotheses are. They may as well be working on perpetual motion machines for all the seriousness consideration this subject is worth.

don't take my word for it: Here's what It's Probably Vodka had to say:

Yeah. Seems like the whole thrust of the problem is that she's in the closet. Kinda seems obvious what the problem is. Considering she's engaged, a relocation might be prudent if it's so difficult to live an honest life where she's at.