Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr

My daily fantasy consists of both of these companies going away.

That’s just the thing. There is no god. Never was.

I agree 100%...3 years ago I thought the Cardinals were a mild nuisance full of their own crap. Now I believe they are literally forged in Hell and Managed by Satan. It’s almost as though the Giants and Cardinals had a meeting with Beezlebub and were like...”How about we take the Odd years and they take the Evens”


Let’s go LIVE to Skip Bayless for a reaction!

I know that driving home from the game after you got ejected sucks, but you really shouldn’t browse the internet on your phone while you’re driving.

“So here’s some dickhead, wearing a Red Sox cap.”

Replicated apparel might be the worst part of this very bad post.

Mike Patrick is not a football announcer. He is a decorative foodstuff, like those bowls of fake apples in model homes.

This is even more impressive when you realize the officer was unseeded.

The past was awful. It was a time of choleric ignoramuses flopping around in their own shit and killing each other

Predicted response from pundits immediately upon hearing the decision:

Those look good, but it’s just too much. I really don’t need eight skins. Foreskins hit my taste buds much better.